Yappy Bookstore: A Timeless Space for Literature

Yu Chien Chiang's Award-Winning Design Transforms Abandoned Space into a Literary Wonderland

Yu Chien Chiang's Yappy Bookstore is an innovative design project that transforms an old, abandoned building into a literary haven. The design concept, inspired by the reality of time and space shuttle, blends contemporary elements with the building's traditional southern China style. The result is a unique bookstore that feels like stepping into Alice's Wonderland.

The unique properties of Yappy Bookstore lie in its ability to turn the limitations of the old space into advantages. The large beams and columns, which could have been seen as obstacles, are instead used as frames for a romantic banquet of literature. The texture of the old walls is preserved, with some of the surface cement destroyed to bury the original elements of the building. This deconstruction blurs the boundary between old and new, creating a space rich with stories.

The bookstore was realized using vintage books, concrete, old window frames, bricks, and iron. With a total area of 450 M2, the space functions as a bookstore, cafe, and performance space. The design team, Fiidesign, carefully thought out the space to embed more clues for reading. Staggering and stacking ancient books and bricks, they covered them with concrete, making the book a carrier of space and time.

The design project took place from January to August 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan. The underlying research focused on organic design, retaining the essence of the space and using open and transparent compression techniques. The space function combines film, reading, lectures, music performances, and other exhibition activities, requiring professional sound space research. A three-dimensional layout floor was created with a spring structure and soft materials to absorb too much murmur rebound.

Despite the challenges of limiting the viewing angle in a long and narrow space, the design team managed to create a two-way and open interaction between the performer and the audience. The high stage blurs the stage boundary, allowing the performer to integrate into the crowd at any time. The original large arc-shaped window was redesigned to form the spatial charm of the light beam, expanding people's desire for reading.

Yappy Bookstore was awarded Silver in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2020. The award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yu Chien Chiang
Image Credits: Yu Chien Chiang
Project Team Members: Fiidesign
Project Name: Yappy Bookstore
Project Client: Yu Chien Chiang

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